Vanitas with Hi-Tops

one-room schoolhouse 
without a ruler’s bite

the gym someday
wreathed in crepe

convened convexity of
calves line up

out of these how many
neon highlighters done up

out of these how many
royal soles palmed

out of these how many
black white gray eyes up

out of these how many

Vanitas with High Wire

the expanse serves
a narrow place 

a pocketful of pens 
could rain

the oracular court
cable anchors

erase every over
lashed eye

who would pull off
falsetto cauls

are you a ladder
or the hawk?

Carolyn Oliver (she/her) is the author of The Alcestis Machine (Acre Books 2024), Inside the Storm I Want to Touch the Tremble (University of Utah Press 2022; selected for the Agha Shahid Ali Prize), and three chapbooks. Her poems appear or are forthcoming in Copper Nickel, Poetry Daily, Image Journal, Prelude, Shenandoah, Beloit Poetry Journal, Southern Indiana Review, Consequence, and elsewhere. Born in Buffalo and raised in Ohio, she now lives in Massachusetts, where she is a 2023-2024 artist in residence at Mount Auburn Cemetery.

Author photo: Benjamin Oliver

Image: “Shoreward wind” by JC Alfier

JC Alfier is a poet and photo-artist whose aesthetics are informed by Yoko Mizuki, Francesca Woodman, and especially Katrien De Blauwer.

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