And here is the place I thought all endings
happened, at the edge
of a pomegranate seed taped to drywall.
In the sky I only see in my dreams,
it’s partly sunny with a chance of disaster.
I have several questions about everything
and I don’t know how to begin asking.
The road is long
but the waiting is infinitely longer.
I discovered a theorem that disproves
the need for loneliness
and of course I began to notice my ears.
Who wouldn’t? The Earth spins
to the tune of Happy Birthday—
Oh, forgive me. I got ahead of myself.
Let me start over:

A steady breeze of skin.

Michael Beard (he/him) currently studies poetry at the Bowling Green State University M.F.A. program and serves as the managing editor for Mid-American Review. His poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Baltimore Review, Booth, Moon City Review, and other places.

Image: New Year Morning Walk by Alex Tunney

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