Scattered remains dim with age, 
remnants of the formal shedding 
of the debris 
that the polishing 
of nakedness brings, 

things that once felt 
like a promising step towards liberation 
that eventually only end up 
leaving one feeling empty 
and out of place as usual; 

this illusion of happiness 
in a life defined by others 
continues to unravel 
as I am becoming love, 
letting this spark of youth 

be the guide 
that leads me back to me. 

I love becoming.  Whirlwinds, 
thunderstorms, songbirds, chipmunks, 
cliffs and the rays of the sun 
remind me of home, 
and I am there and gone.

Kymberly Brown: poet, singer/songwriter, English Teacher for Jersey City Public Schools for twenty-six years, mother of three beautiful daughters. Got her chops at The Living Theatre, The Nuyorican Poets’ Cafe, A Gathering of the Tribes/Stoop, and CHARAS in the Lower East Side, NYC. Published in the American Book Award-winning anthology Aloud: Voices from the Nuyorican Poets’ Cafe, two volumes of The National Library of Poetry, and A Gathering of the TribesWhirlwindBig Hammer, and Long Shot magazines. Kymberly also served as program coordinator for Bandwriting Collective, a songwriting program in NYC for musicians under 18 for eight years.

Image: “Draped T-Shirt” by Alex J. Tunney

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